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Re: [DFRI-listan] FW: [governance] Call for consensus - endorsement of speech by Nnenna Nwakanma on behalf of Civil Society at Netmundial, Brazil

On 04/23/2014 08:31 PM, JOSEFSSON Erik wrote:
> Det ska väl komma en youtube-video snart.


Nnenna Nwakanma's address on behalf of Civil Society at the NETmundial

Jag har förslagit styrelsen att DFRI endorsar detta anförande (råtext
bifogas nedan).


Grand Hyatt Hotel
Sao Paulo
April 23, 2014.

Address by Nnenna Nwakanma. Africa Regional Coordinator
The World Wide Web Foundation
Representing Civil Society, Worldwide. [@nnenna]

Your Excellencies
Colleagues, present and  remote
Ladies and gentlemen

Bon dia!!

My name is Nnenna. I come  from the Internet. I also  come from diverse
civil society teams and networks. My first  is the team at the World
Wide Web Foundation. At the Web Foundation, we are engaged in the
Alliance for Affordable Internet, in the Web We Want Campaign, in the
Web Index and in Open Government data. I work to establish the open Web
as a global public good and a basic right, ensuring that everyone can
access and use it freely.  That is what I do for  a living.

I also belong to  the Best Bits Civil Society platform, the Internet
Governance Caucus  for 12 years and the Africa Internet Governance
Forum.  For me, Netmundial, in convening us to take a critical look at
the principles and the roadmap for the future of Internet Governance,
avails us with an opportunity to bring key issues to fore

The first is Access
As much as two-thirds of the world’s population is not connected to the
Internet. The penetration rates in less developed countries average
around 31%. In the African continent, this figure drops to 16%. In the
world’s 49 least developed countries, over 90% of people are not online.
 We have one billion people  living with disability.  80% live in
developing countries.  Each one deserves access: to information, to
libraries, to knowledge, to affordable Internet.

The second is Social and economic justice.
The Internet is fast becoming the dominant means for wealth creation.
The “Right to Development” needs to include social justice.  It is not
enough to do a superficial “capacity building”  for a few persons.  We
are looking at a mechanism that allows for the highest number of persons
to be included, the  largest number of voices to be heard,  the widest
extent of talents to access innovation, and the deepest creativity of
the human minds to flourish.  For these, we need to start considering
the Internet as  public commons.

The third is freedom and human rights
I invite you to  listen to someone  for whom I have great respect. She
was speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, in New York, on the
24th of   September 2013

Do you want to hear it?

" I cannot but defend, in an uncompromising fashion, the right to
privacy of individuals . In the absence of the right to privacy, there
can be no true freedom of expression and opinion, and therefore no
effective democracy.”

And that, was Dilma Rousseff

Excellencies, Ladies, and gentlemen, in charting a way forward for
Internet Governance we must lend serious consideration to at least 3 issues:

The first is participation:  We kicked off with a basic understanding
that  all stakeholders  have a place, a role, a contribution. As we move
further along, the multistakeholder  approach is becoming muddled and is
losing its meaning. It is time was came back to the drawing board. If we
need to revisit the notion, or upgrade it, please let us do it.

We need to engage  all stakeholders at the global, regional and national
We  need to establish respect and  value  for stakeholder  contributions.
We need to enable meaningful participation from developing countries and
under-represented groups.

The second is  resources

 How do we ensure that resources are mobilized and maintained  for a
viable Internet Governance mechanism? The question is not just at the
global level, but also at regional and national levels. Whose resources
 are we going to commit? My leaning is that the  Internet should be able
to  provide resources for its own governance.  Maybe, part of the domain
name fees could be reinvested here.

The third is change
NetMundial is offering us a chance at change.  Let us seize it:
From one stakeholder hijacking the process – to an open and inclusive
From top officials issuing orders – to a collaboration
From summary reports – to transparency
From power   - to  accountability
From  monologues – to dialogues and debates
Change the rhetoric of cyberwar – to the notion of Internet for peace
Change from  cyber threats – to digital solidarity
And these, I believe, will guide us in  the IANA transition.

Ladies and gentleman,  If there is one message I must leave with you
today, it is the message of TRUST.  We are in Brazil because we have a
level of trust in the person of President Dilma Rousseff. We trust the
Netmundial process. We trust the multistakeholder approach of Brazil in
its IGF. We have followed the drive  for Marco Civil and  we
congratulate  the wholee of the people of Brazil.

The trust we have in Brazil is needed at all levels for the future of
the Internet. This trust is being destroyed by the collection,
processing and interception of our communications. Surveillance
undermines  Internet security and trust in all personal, business and
diplomatic communications.  That is why we say: “No to surveillance”.

The Web we can trust, that is the Web We Want.
The Web that contributes to global peace, that is the web we want
The web  that remains open and inclusive, that is the web we want
The Internet of opportunities, of social justice, of development and of
respect to privacy and human rights, that is why I am here.

Ladies and gentlemen
NetMundial is the World Cup of Internet Governance

We need a robust stadium – we need infrastructure
We need everyone to enjoy the game – we need participation
Fans  should not be discriminated against: we need net neutrality
Everyone should be free to support any team. I support  Nigeria, Côte
d'Ivoire and Ghana. I also support Brazil when they are not playing
against Africa.
Fans will wear their costumes – let us respect diversity
We need to know the rules and play by them: That is transparency

So it is not just about power and control for governments.
Not just service and interest for the industry
Not just  names and numbers for  the  academia and technical community
Not just “for” or “against” for  us in the civil society.

We need humility. Our humility to listen to diverse voices is essential
for an authentic dialogue. Let us talk to each other and not at each
other. Sometimes as stakeholders, we may be so drowned with our own
voices that we miss  what others have to say.

Ladies and gentlemen,  just before I sit down, tomorrow is the
Girls in ICT Day.
Let me say this: Girls, it is up to us to seize the Internet and rock
the world. Let us get women online, let US  get US online!

And a special tribute to the girls in my Web Foundation team,
Alexandra  Groome
Renata Avila
Sonia Jorge
Anne Jellema

And the girls across the world who work on Internet Governance issues:
Deborah Brown in the US
Marianne Franklin in Europe
Anja Kovacs in India
Valeria Betancourt in Latin America
Anriette Esterhuysen in Africa
Joy Liddicot in New Zealand
Salanieta, far away in the Islands of Fiji

And our wonderful girls in Brazil:
Joana Varon
Carolina Rossini

But no, it is not a women-only zone. There are men who put in energy,
who spend hours of work, nergy resources.. who  risk their lives, for us
to have a strong, free, open and robust Internet.

To you, to all those who work... to  people like Edward. Edward Snowden,
thank you.

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