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[DFRI-listan] DFRI på 31C3?


DFRI är en av Torservers.net's 14 partner-organisationer [1].

Moritz Bartl postade nyss [2] en fråga på partners-listan om vilka som
vill presentera sig på 31C3 [3]:

  Given that last year you all surprised me with a lot of nice
  presentations, I thought maybe we can try something even more structured
  this time? Is there a short talk or discussion round you or your group
  would like to see (or even organize)? It would definitely be great to
  have progress reports from all groups again, and someone from
  Zwiebelfreunde should talk about the Hivos grant and the Wau Holland
  reimbursements. :)

Skall du åka dit i år? Vill du prata om DFRI?

[1] https://www.torservers.net/partners.html
[2] http://lists.torservers.net/pipermail/partners/2014-September/000022.html
[3] http://events.ccc.de/category/31c3/

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Listpolicy: https://www.dfri.se/regler-for-listan