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Re: [DFRI-listan] Fwd: Julklapp från EU-domstolen

Erik Mjöberg <erik.mjoberg@xxxxxx> wrote
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 05:40:38 +0100:

| Generaladvokaten PEDRO CRUZ VILLALÓN vid
| Europeiska Unionens Domstol har
| i ett förslag till dom underkänt
| giltigheten av "direktiv 2006/24/EG av
| den 15 mars
| 2006 om lagring av uppgifter som
| genererats eller behandlats i samband med
| tillhandahållande av allmänt
| tillgängliga elektroniska
| kommunikationstjänster eller
| allmänna kommunikationsnät", det s.k.
| datalagringsdirektivet.

Det här är ju väldigt välkommet och jag hoppas verkligen att domstolen
följer generaladvokatens rekommendation, vilket den brukar göra om jag
förstår rätt.

EDRi har mer info [1] -- det var EDRi-medlemmar (Digital Rights Ireland,
AKVorrat.at, IfNf och VIBE) som drog det hela:

  The Advocate General’s Opinion states that the Directive “is as a
  whole incompatible with Article 52(1) of the Charter of Fundamental
  Rights of the European Union”. In particular, the measure is not
  necessary and does not “genuinely meet objectives of general interest
  recognised by the Union. Furthermore, Article 6 of the Directive is in
  violation of Articles 7 and 52(1) of the Charter.
  The Opinion issued today is a particular embarrassment to the current
  Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. Even before the
  Commission had prepared its implementation report on the Directive
  (breaching its own legal obligations by being over six months late),
  Malmström confirmed that “data retention is here to stay” [2]. Even
  after the abuses and bad practice were exposed in her own report, she
  took no steps to address the problems – but remained stubbornly
  fixated on ensuring that the Directive was enforced everywhere in the

Någon som vet när domstolen fattar beslut?

[1] http://edri.org/interim-ruling-european-court-condemns-massive-storage-communications-data/
[2] http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-10-723_en.htm

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