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[DFRI-listan] VB: CIRI Human Rights Data Project

Sverige är bland toppen när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter enligt den här undersökningen.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: ietf [mailto:ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx] För David Benham (dbenham)
Skickat: den 26 maj 2016 23:19
Till: recentattendees@xxxxxxxx
Kopia: ietf@xxxxxxxx
Ämne: CIRI Human Rights Data Project

Food for thought; instead of trying make a statement against certain states or country, what about only/mostly patronizing those countries that are setting the high-bar for human rights via their *actions* (vs laws too often ignored) spanning a comprehensive set of criteria, including all that extrajudicial activity (incarceration, torture, etc)?

For example, the Human Rights Data Project contains standards-based quantitative information on government practices for a wide range of internationally-recognized human rights, primarily drawing from the US Department of State and Amnesty International reports.


All 14 of CIRI’s individual indicators of particular human rights can be summed into an overall human rights score. 
The best score a country can receive is 30.

Top 13 Countries:
Denmark [30]
Iceland [30]
Austria [29]
New Zealand [29]
Norway [29]
Australia [28]
Belgium [28]
Finland [28]
Liechtenstein [28]
Luxembourg [28]
Netherlands [28]
San Marino [28]
Sweden [28]

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